custom manufacturing

Reduce Risk & Accelerate Timelines for Custom Automation Projects: The Owens Design Phase 1

The success of custom OEM equipment design and factory automation projects depend as much on planning and strategy as it does execution. The Phase 1 from Owens Design is a process for optimizing trade-offs, identifying critical dependencies, finding requirement gaps, and developing the system architecture for custom automation projects prior to detailed design, engineering and […]

Case Study: Scaling EV Battery Production While Maintaining Laser Cutting Precision

Obtaining automated, precise cutting on a critical, fragile layer at high production volumes An EV battery manufacturing startup needed to scale their production volume to meet the growing demands of their customers. A critical step of their innovative product required precise cutting of a delicate layer in the battery stack. The manufacturer had developed a […]

Valley of Death

How to Avoid the Valley of Death in Laser Technology

The valley of death is a common metaphor in funding circles for the risk-strewn phase of technology development where progress is in a three-way race against diminishing funds and a growing field of competitors swooping in. It’s especially perilous for manufacturers using lasers for the first time. Many think they can cross the valley quickly, […]

Time to Replicate: when should you use a contract manufacturer (CM)?

Time to Scale: When Should You Use a Contract Manufacturer?

Congratulations: your product is a hit and the time has come to scale up production with replicable results. As an OEM, your product is selling and it’s time to ramp up. As an end-user, your product is flying off the shelves and you need to rapidly scale and automate your manufacturing to meet demand. So, you call up […]

Why OEMs should outsource product development and manufacturing

Why OEMs Should Outsource Product Development & Manufacturing

If you are an OEM, you already have great engineering and manufacturing; why would you outsource anything? This blog lists three reasons that OEMs should consider outsourcing. 1. Focus on What You Do Best Your differentiation is your IP and that’s what customers value. That is what you must do and do well. But factory […]