Owens Design Adds 30,000 SQFT of New Design & Manufacturing Facilities

Owens Design will expand its engineering and manufacturing capacity with additional facilities and personnel to meet their rising demand for manufacturing tools.
“It’s really amazing” said Etoli Wolff, VP of Sales. “There’s been a substantially increased need from both our OEM- and end-user customers that is expected to continue over the next few years. We are investing in this capacity and infrastructure expansion to support the growth of our customers’ current and future tools.”
The additional building will add 30,000 square feet of high-tech manufacturing space conveniently located next door to the Owens Design headquarters and sharing the parking lot. This space is already equipped with a robust electrical system and is well configured for manufacturing complex capital equipment.
Bob Fung, CEO of Owens Design said, “our customers are expanding and growing their capacity and we are excited and prepared to grow with them. What’s also wonderful is that we will have two buildings next to each other, allowing us to be very efficient working together. The new building will be primarily focused on repeat manufacturing. Our engineering and administration staff will stay in the current headquarters building, where the prototypes will continue to be built.”
Owens Design expects to see the new facilities up, running and building tools by the end of June.

Owens Design existing building

Owens Design new manufacturing building